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Further to the monarchy’s role - THE COMMENTARY

By Joseph Planta

VANCOUVER -- Last week while America’s Second Royal Family (the Bush’s,) trotted out their answer to John F. Kennedy Jr., George P. Bush; the real Royal’s celebrated the real 100th Birthday of the Queen Mother.

When Victoria Day struck this past May, I took the opportunity to address the monarchy question in this country. To note the Queen Mum’s birthday, I’ll also take a second look at the House of Windsor and their place in our collective consciousness.

I have nothing against the Queen, the Queen Mum, Philip, Charles, Andrew, Fergie, and the rest of them, but I still don’t see their relevance other than they are figureheads and symbols of Great Britain’s nationhood and the Commonwealth strength.

With the self-determination of countries like India and Australia wanting to escape the grasp of England’s gaze, we have Canada which of course which remains constipated. Having a far-off Head of State living in a castle across the Pond, does a number on our morals. We seem more and more fervent in our love in the monarchy, but like Trudeau, when the Queen turns around we pirouette in apathy and boredom. Stockwell Day’s a monarchist, so there’s no chance in hell the monarchy question will be raised pending thorough debate.

I guess, I’m struggling with the question myself. In May, I said the monarchy is here and we should do nothing to diminish it. With further thought, I must refrain from the thought and question it’s relevance in Canada. I’m sure it doesn’t cost much, simply because we’re paying for Madame Clarkson and her consort Mr. Ralston Saul instead. I don’t see us divorcing from the monarchy, because it’s so status quo, why bother.

I have serious doubts cast on Great Britain, though. I shouldn’t meddle, but let me bring up the fact when Windsor Castle burned to a crisp in 1992, it was thought early on that the public tit would pay for restoration. It wasn’t until fervent clamour that that avenue of funding was abandoned. To pay for Charles and Camila’s mischief and the security for Di’s boys Harry and Wills must be obscene. What does it cost to have the Queen’s horses at Sandringham tended for? How much does it cost to have the royal standard fluttering mid-air, atop a poll, in the many houses of the Queen? How much does it cost to pay the bugger that is security to the crown jewels at the Tower of London? Thank goodness the Queen now pays taxes. But imagine if they all did! Imagine the clamour from the blue bloods regarding their unfair treatment from their mere mortal subjects!

I guess that’s the price for national determination and pride. The price, thereof is costly, because besides winning wars and proving yourself in diplomacy and brie, we’ve all got to support a bunch of spoiled and practically useless buggers.

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